2025-2026 Tri-City Eagles Travel Season Tryout Registration is Now OPEN!!!
Tryout Information and Registration
* All Youth and Girls Travel Tryouts are $185 plus applicable fees and are non-refundable; early bird special price for tryouts are $160 plus applicable fees and are non-refundable.
* Exception: 8U Tryouts are $105 plus applicable fees and are non-refundable; early bird special price for tryouts are $80 plus applicable fees and are non-refundable
* Be sure to arrive to your first tryout early for check-in.
* If necessary, Tryout group assignments will be sent out to participants after Tryout registration closes.
* Registered participants are to attend all scheduled tryouts.
* Additional Tryout information including the 2025-2026 Tri-City Eagles Travel Tryout Handbook will be provided when it becomes available.
* The 2025-2026 Tri-City Eagles Coaching announcements will be made prior to Tryouts
* Information on supplemental tryouts (if necessary) will be provided when available.
* To Complete the Tryout Registration players must have a valid/active USA Hockey Number.
Youth Travel Team Tryouts
Girls Travel Team Tryouts
Additional 2025-2026 Tryout Information