14U Blue About Collapse 14U Blue is a National Tournament Bound (NTB) youth team that competes in the CBHL 14U National division and AHF 14U AA division. Head Coach - Scott Sutherland Expand Contact: scott.sutherland@tricityeagles.com Assistant Coaches Expand Dan Birzak - dbirzak@yahoo.com Justin Kuczynski - jtkuczynski@gmail.com Ed Wefelmeyer - edwefelmeyer@gmail.com Team Manager Expand Derek Petty - 20derekpetty@gmail.com Roster Standings and Rankings CBHL Standings AHF Standings MyHockey National14U Rankings Upcoming Games All TCE Teams HomeYouth TravelGirls TravelIntro to HockeyHouse HockeyTravel TryoutsSpring TeamsCamps & ClinicsScheduleResourcesAbout UsAlumni