18U Blue About Collapse 18U Blue is a Nationally Tournament Bound (NTB) team that competes in the CBHL 18U National division and AHF 18U AA division. Head Coach - Craig Morton Expand Contact: craig.morton@tricityeagles.com Assistant Coaches Expand Hunter McNamee - htm003@comcast.net Ken Carpenter - casey2hockey@yahoo.com Theodore Whitehead - whitehead.theodore99@gmail.com Team Manager Expand Kathleen Freeman - freemanitz@hotmail.com Roster Standings and Rankings CBHL Standings AHF Standings MyHockey National 18U Rankings Upcoming Games All TCE Teams HomeYouth TravelGirls TravelIntro to HockeyHouse HockeyTravel TryoutsSpring TeamsCamps & ClinicsScheduleResourcesAbout UsAlumni